Meet the Governors

The Governing Body are a group of volunteers who work alongside the Headteacher to support the strategic leadership of the school.  We have three key functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • holding the leadership to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Much of the work of the Governing Body is around the strategic leadership of the school which means we support the school leadership team in making both good financial decisions and also making sure that decsions about children's education are good. We track the progress of the school which means we look at how well our children are performing in their education. We also look at how well our teachers are teaching and support schools leaders in helping them develop. 

Members are voted onto the Governing Body by their representative groups. Each Governor can then stay a member for four years. 

Structure of Governing Body

The members of the Governing Body typically undertake their strategic role via two main committees: Finance & Resources and Standards & Achievements. The remit of these committees and their work are detailed in the Committee Terms of Reference below.

The full Governing Body and both committees meet five times a year (twice in Autumn and Summer terms; once in Spring term). A schedule of our meetings can be found in the Governance pack attached at the bottom of this page. All our meetings are open meetings and any parents or members of the wider comunity can attend to observe. 

Finance & Resources Committee

This Committee oversees the financial management of the school. We work closely with the Headteacher and School Business Manager to ensure we spend our budget wisely and with the most impact on outcomes for pupils. 

We consider personnel issues, including the best staffing structure for the school, ensuring appropriate staff policies are in place and monitoring staff wellbeing. We also review all Health & Safety issues and support the Leadership team in the development and upkeep of our school site and building.  

Standards & Achievement Committee

This committee challenges attainment levels across the school. We receive reports from school leaders about how well children are doing and ask searching questions about how we can continually make this better. We oversee any changes to the curriculum or introduction of new teaching styles. 

We oversee the provision for pupils with additional and special educational needs and for looked after children and children in care. We review the procedures in place for keeping children safe. We also review our relationships with parents and the wider community. 

Link Governors

We have two statutory link Governors who work with staff on specific areas of responsibility:

Safeguarding - Deepa Samani

SEND - Bobby Dixit




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Whitchurch Primary School and Nursery Wemborough Road, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 2EQ
Headteacher | Ms R Inniss