Welcome to Reception. We very much see your child's time in Reception as a partnership with parents and carers. Please refer to the information on this page to support us with your child's learning both at school and home.
If you have any queries please contact Miss Ward (Assistant Head for Early Years).
Routines and Expectations
Drop off and Pick up. In the Autumn term we ask you to use the EYFS gate in the mornings you drop your child at the school gate anytime between 8.35am and 8.55am. You can take your child to their classroom door. Reception have morning actvities and registration whilst the children make their way into class. Any child arriving after 8.55am is late. At the end of the day the gates are unlocked at 3.15pm, parents come into the playground and collect their children from the classroom garden doors; learning time ends at 3.20pm, doors will open after this time.
Daily Reading. Reading at home every day for at least 10 minutes is crucial in Reception. The children can read with you, to you, by themselves or with a sibling, the most important element is that you talk together about what you have read to check their comprehension. Children need to bring their book bags into school daily where home reading records are checked.
PE days. Remember children come to school wearing their PE kit. Reception's PE days in the Autumn term are: Fridays
Homework. We would like you to read with your child every day for homework. Phonic videos are uploaded to Tapestry daily and are available for a number of weeks to support your child in learning to read. In Autumn 2 children will be given weekly phonic practice matched to the group they are in at school. Weekly maths challenges will be uploaded on to Tapestry each Friday. These will be practical challenges which you can then upload a photo of your child completing it onto Tapestry.
Tapestry. Tapestry is a secure online Learning Journal to showcase learning. Please check it regularly to find out what your child has been learning and how you can support them at home. It is really useful if you upload your child’s learning and experiences your child is doing at home. This creates a strong partnership and enables your child to be able to share their learning at school as well as for us to see how they have continued their learning at home. Please do speak to your child's class teacher if you have any issues accessing Tapestry.
Autumn 1 Curriculum
Our topic this half term is Settling / All about me