
At Whitchurch, we believe that Computing is a gateway to understanding how technology is woven into the fabric of life and how that both impacts and enriches our pupils’ lives providing a wealth of learning opportunities and transferrable skills. At the heart of Computing, the curriculum is engaging and meaningful ensuring that it is inclusive for all pupils. In addition, our curriculum develops pupils’ communication skills by learning how to keep themselves safe online through being able to recognise both the opportunities and threats posed.

We feel that Computing teaches our children:

  • to become adaptable and open-minded to change with the ever-evolving world of technology and being prepared for their future lives
  • to develop their problem solving skills which allow the children to think creatively to find solutions both independently and within a team environment
  • to become analytical when challenges arise and learn to solve problems in an effective way
  • to build positive relationships with the world online and understand how to communicate effectively, as well as managing conflict appropriately
  • to become respectful and tolerant global citizens in the digital world
  • to embrace technology and learn to understand how to use a wide range of both software and hardware connected to their daily lives
  • to set high expectations in their approach to lessons and believe they can use technology to aid their learning


Computing Leader: Mrs Khan


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Whitchurch Primary School and Nursery Wemborough Road, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 2EQ
Interim Headteacher | Mr M Thompson-Lawrie