Year 2

Welcome to Year 2. We very much see your child's time in Year 2 as a partnership with parents and carers. Please refer to the information on this page to support us with your child's learning both at school and home.

If you have any queries please contact Mrs Tezel (Year 2 Leader).

Our Timetable

Year 2

Routines and Expectations

Drop off and Pick up. In the mornings you drop your child at the school gate anytime between 8.40am and 8.55am. They make their own way into the classrooms via the patio doors. Year 2 have Early Morning Work and registration whilst the children make their way into class. Any child arriving after 8.55am is late. At the end of the day the gates are unlocked at 3.15pm, parents come into the playground and collect their children from the classroom patio doors; learning time ends at 3.20pm, doors will open after this time.  

Daily Reading. Reading at home every day for at least 15 minutes is an absolute expectation in Year 2. The children can read with you, to you, by themselves or with a sibling, the most important element is that you ask your child questions about what they have read to check their comprehension. Children need to bring their book bags into school daily where home reading records are checked.

PE days. Remember children come to school wearing their PE kit. Year 2's PE days in the Autumn term are:

2ST - Tuesday and Wednesday

2SA - Thursday and Wednesday

2KK - Tuesday and Wednesday

2DN - Thursday and Friday

Homework. Teachers send children home with homework every Friday and it is always due in on the following Friday. The children also have weekly spelling which can be found in their home learning book. Children should practice these spellings weekly. There will be a spelling test at the end of the half-term. Children will receive a new set of spelling on a half-termly basis. to complete at home.

Autumn 2 Curriculum

Our topic this half term is Africa



Whitchurch Primary School and Nursery Wemborough Road, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 2EQ
Headteacher | Ms R Inniss