Year 4

Welcome to Year 4. We very much see your child's time in Year 4 as a partnership with parents and carers. Please refer to the information on this page to support us with your child's learning both at school and home.

If you have any queries about your child's learning, please contact your child's class teacher in the first instance through the school office or at pick up, and if you need to speak to the Year 4 Team Leader, please contact Mrs Solanki (Year 4 leader).

Our Timetables





Routines and Expectations

Drop off and Pick up. In the mornings you drop your child at the school gate anytime between 8.35am and 8.55am. They make their own way into the classrooms via the patio doors. Year 4 have Early Morning Work and registration so we recommend an early drop off. Any child arriving after 9am is late. At the end of the day the gates are unlocked at 3.15pm. Parents come into the playground and collect their children from the classroom patio doors; learning time ends at 3.25pm and doors will open after this time.  

Daily Reading. Reading at home, five days a week for at least 15-20 minutes is an absolute expectation in Year 4. The children can read with you, to you, by themselves and/or with a sibling; the most important element is that you discuss the book with your child to check their comprehension. Please sign every day - or at least weekly - to show that you are reading with your child. Children need to bring their homework diaries into school daily completed with a comment about the book after every reading session. Comments/reflections could include new words learnt, thoughts about the character and plot, predictions etc. Diaries are checked weekly but may be required on other days for messages home etc. 

PE days. Remember children come to school wearing their PE kit. Year 4's PE days are:

4BS Wednesday (indoor PE) and Friday (outdoor PE)
4PC Monday (indoor PE) and Friday (outdoor PE)
4XL Monday (indoor PE) and Friday (outdoor PE)
4ND Wednesday (indoor PE) and Friday (outdoor PE)

Homework. Homework is set every Thursday in children's purple homework books and it is always due on the following Thursday. Children may also be given additional tasks to complete during the week if required.

  • Weekly spellings;
  • Bug Club reading; 15-20 minutes daily reading and comprehension questions 
  • Mathletics  - we expect children to complete approximately 10 minutes of learning every day;
  • Times Table Rock Stars - we expect childre to complete approximately 10 minutes of learning every day - this is particularly essential in Year 4 in order for all children to improve their times table fluency as we expect the children to leave Year 4 knowing their times tables from 1 to 12.

Autumn 1 Curriculum

Our topic this half term is Myths and Legends



Whitchurch Primary School and Nursery Wemborough Road, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 2EQ
Headteacher | Ms R Inniss